Diabetic. Symptoms. Manage.

Top 5 Foods to Avoid for People with Diabetes


Diabetes is a relentless and burdensome disease that requires close attention of one’s body weight, blood sugar levels and lifestyle practices. Hence, it is no secret that practicing a healthy diet helps. In this article, we will shed light on foods you should stay away from as a diabetic to avoid dangerous spikes in blood sugar.

Sugar-sweetened beverages

Sugary beverages including carbonated drinks, sweetened iced tea, tetra pack fruit juices are arguably the worst drink choices for people with diabetes. They are loaded with glucose and fructose which will cause blood sugar to spike. A better option is always plain water or unsweetened ice tea.

Trans Fats

Produced through the addition of hydrogen to unsaturated fatty acids, trans fats are unhealthy and are commonly found in processed food such as sausages, French fries, nuggets, margarines, creamer and frozen dinners. Although they do not raise the blood sugar directly, they are linked with increased inflammation and more notably, weight gain that is a precursor to insulin resistance.

Flavoured Coffee Drinks

It is okay to take long black or any black coffee without sugar. However, flavoured coffee drinks is not a good choice for people with diabetes. From syrup to whipping cream, a cup of Frappuccino is loaded with sugar and that will increase blood sugar level significantly.

Honey, Maple Syrup, Brown Sugar and Agave Nectar 

People with diabetes should reduce intake of white sugar and use brown sugar or honey instead. However, brown sugar, honey, maple syrup are other forms of sugar that can still cause an increase in blood sugar. The best way is therefore to avoid them altogether and use low-carbs sweeteners or artificial sweetener instead.

Fresh Fruit Juice

Some of us would think that fresh fruit juice is a healthy alternative to carbonated drinks. That is certainly not the case with commercially-made fruit juice as it is usually sugar rich. Besides, juice operators often separate out fruit skin and flesh when making the juice, cutting out the fiber we need. For that, we suggest you stick with the organic and natural way of making juices- blend the fruits.

In a nutshell, diet plays a huge part in the management of diabetes. A dietary change may seem a challenging prospect, but the positives you stand to gain from it will very certainly outweigh the discomfort of a habitual compromise.  Speak to a dietitian if you need help with changing your eating habits.

Diabetes, diet, weight management, artificial sweetener, blood sugar levels, sugar, fats, glucose, fructose, fruits, processed food, eating habit

About The Author
Lee Jo Ee
Jo Ee holds a B.sc. (Hons) Nutrition and Dietetics from International Medical University, Malaysia. A clinical dietitian in a private hospital, she has vast experience in managing various cases including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, nutrition support, kidney disease and so on in inpatient and outpatient settings.

Jo Ee regularly speaks at health talks and is active in different sports. She is amongst the finishers of Olympic Distance Triathlon.

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